Class 7 The Articles English Grammar - Importance of English Grammar for Class 7 Students
English Grammar for Class 7 The Articles is basically the study of grammar to excel in the English language. Thus, the students must take English Grammar as one of the core subjects quite seriously. Also, students who are further attempting to study for masters and higher education in the English language must not fuss with this subject at their basic levels. In these classes, learning effective grammar will take a student on a long career development path.
In this article, we will be studying Class 7 The Articles English Grammar and we will be notifying you about the topics that are included in the Class 7 th English Grammar Syllabus 2023-24. Students must note that we are discussing the general syllabus for Class 7 The Articles English Grammar, you must once cross-check with your own respective school’s or board’s syllabus for 2023-24.
English Grammar for Class 7 The Articles Download Free PDF
In today's lesson, we will discuss Articles and their usage in English grammar. English articles can be a little challenging to understand. You must be mindful of a lot of rules! It is easy to understand through reading and hearing as long as you know all the regulations and article categories. The many sorts of articles and their applications with examples are listed below. Let's dive in and learn how to use them effectively.

The Articles
Types of Articles:
There are two main article types in English:
1. Definite Articles
2. Indefinite Articles
The Definite Articles:
The word "the" is a definite article. It limits the meaning of a noun to that of a single little thing. It is mainly used for a particular person or place.
Here are some instances of the definite article being used appropriately:
Give me the hammer, please.
The blue hammer is too little; give me the red one.
Give me the nail, please.
Please hand me the big nail; it's the only one that can hold this painting securely.
Please provide the hammer and the nail.
The Indefinite Articles
There are two types of indefinite articles. When it appears before a word with a vowel, the letter is "a." The word a comes before it when a word with a vowel at the beginning does. A word is related to a general idea rather than a specific aspect when the indefinite article is used. You might inquire with your friend, "Should I bring a gift to the party?" as an illustration. Your acquaintance will recognize that you are not requesting a certain kind of gift or item. Your friend says, "I'm going to bring an apple pie." Once more, the indefinite article shows that she is not referring to a particular apple pie. Most likely, your friend hasn't even had pie yet. The indefinite article is the only choice for singular nouns.

Use of Indefinite Articles
Take into consideration the following instances of indefinite articles:
Please give me a book; any book would do.
Please give me an autobiography; every autobiography will do.

Use of Definite and Indefinite Articles
Where Not to Use Articles?
Many English language learners find it difficult to recall how to use articles. Articles are not necessarily required to be used everywhere. Our advice is to keep in mind the situations in which articles shouldn't be employed.
Avoid Using Articles:
When you Discuss Many Topics Generally.
For instance, I enjoy birds.
Here, the speaker is trying to convey that he or she likes all birds in general rather than just one particular kind.
When Discussing Nouns in the Plural, Count them.
Dogs, for instance, are wonderful pets.
In this case, you are speaking generally about all dogs, not just one particular dog or pet.
When Discussing Noncount Nouns.
For instance, I adore music.
Here, the speaker is expressing his enjoyment of music in general rather than a particular genre or song.
When Discussing Specific Dates or Holidays, Places, Businesses, or Tongues.
As an illustration, I purchased candles for Diwali.
The speaker in this instance is referring to the candles he purchased to utilize on the day of Diwali.
When Discussing Businesses.
As an illustration, Steve Jobs created Apple.
I utilize Facebook daily.
The speaker is mentioning firms like Apple and Facebook in this sentence.
When you Discuss Languages.
For instance, I can speak Hindi.
The speaker is referring to Hindi in this sentence.
When you Discuss Locations, Places, and Streets.
As an illustration, my home is situated on Callowhill Drive.
I forgot my pen at home.
Here, the speaker's house and the street Callowhill Drive are being discussed.
However, there are several places where the use of an article is absolutely necessary. For instance, the airport, railway station, bank, hospital, post office, bus stop, and so on.
When Discussing Athletics and Physical Activity.
As an illustration, I enjoy playing cricket.
She likes to dance.
Cricket and dancing are discussed here.
When a Number Comes After a Noun
She is residing in room 127 at the Hilton hotel, for instance.
From station 9, a train departs for Montreal.
No article is necessary because numerals are placed after the nouns in this sentence.
When Discussing Intellectual Topics.
For instance, I detest taking math classes.
The math classes are mentioned in this sentence.
Difficult Word with Meanings:
Word | Meaning |
Inquire | Look, Investigate |
Intellectual | Deep Thinking, Smart |
Acquaintance | Contact, Associate |
Instances | Examples, Case |
Adore | Love, Admire |
A term used before a noun to indicate whether it is specialized or general is known as an article. The words "a," "an," and "the" are determining factors or noun indicators that serve to indicate whether a noun is referring to something general or specific. Generally, articles come before nouns, and because they are employed to describe the noun, they can be thought of as adjectives.
Practice Questions
Choose one of these to complete each sentence: a, an, the, or (no word).
1. ___ woman and ___ man are sitting before me.
2. During our holiday, we stay at ___ hotel.
3. For our dinner, we went to ___ restaurant.
4. As it was raining, I took ___ umbrella.
5. On the way, I saw ___ elephant.
6. ____ moon goes around ___ earth.
7. ___ Qutab Minar is very tall.
8. I waited for you for more than ___ hour.
9. ___ walls of my room are light blue but ___ ceiling is white.
10. She is ___ MSC teacher in chemistry.
1. A woman and a man are sitting before me.
2. During our holiday, we stay at a hotel.
3. For our dinner, we went to a restaurant.
4. As it was raining, I took an umbrella.
5. On the way, I saw an elephant.
6. The moon goes around the earth.
7. The Qutab Minar is very tall.
8. I waited for you for more than an hour.
9. The walls of my room are light blue but the ceiling is white.
10. She is an MSc.teacher in chemistry.
NCERT Solutions - Class 7 The Articles Grammar Solution
NCERT Solutions for English Grammar serves as a comprehensive solution book for the students of Class 7 The Articles who are willing to expertise in the English Grammar subject.
The Class 7th English Grammar syllabus is comprehensively mentioned in this NCERT Solutions. Exhaustive Class 7 Grammar topics are present in the NCERT Solutions. Also, this is to ensure that students from any board can refer to the NCERT Solutions for English Grammar Class 7 The Articles.