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Write the difference between adaptation and acclimatization.

Last updated date: 05th May 2024
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Hint: All living organisms require a suitable environment in which to survive and thrive. This area is referred to as the natural habitat by scientists. Trespassing territories, however, is unavoidable due to the interconnectedness of all plant and animal species in the so-called food web. As a result of this intrusion, any organism that crosses a boundary must either adapt or acclimate to its new environment.

Complete answer:
Adaptation and acclimation are two terms commonly used to describe how a plant or animal adjusts when it leaves its natural habitat. It also applies to changes that may occur within its environment, which may make it unfit for survival if they do not adapt. While they frequently refer to changes in the environment, there are some distinctions in how they should be used.
The difference between adaptation and acclimatization is as follows:
Adaptation is a long-term permanent adjustment of a group of organisms to a changing environment.Acclimatization is a short-term rapid temporary adjustment of an organism to a changing environment.
adaptation is irreversibleAcclimatization can be reversed once the previous conditions are met.
Adaptation occurs over many generations.Acclimatization occurs during an organism's lifetime.
Adaptation is a gradual, permanent change that is evolutionary important for a species' survival and continuity,Acclimatization is a quick, temporary change that can be reversed once the previous conditions are met.

Acclimatization has no long-term effect on the genetic mechanisms of the acclimatized organism. The adaptation of populations to change, which influences evolution through the selection of genetic capability, is distinct from individual acclimatization.