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Write the bio-sketch of the following famous personality.

Full Name: Albert Einstein
Born: 14 March 1879, Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany.
Died: 18 April 1955 (aged 76)
Ethnicity: German Jewish
Citizenship: United States (from 1940 onwards)
Known for: Theory of Relativity, Unified Field Theory
Awards: Nobel Prize in Physics (1921), Person of the Century by Time Magazine.

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
Total views: 336.1k
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Hint: Write a short and succinct paragraph containing the above information. Make sure that the bio-sketch is written in the third person. Try to lengthen the given points.

Complete answer:
Albert Einstein is a famous scientist and physicist. He was born on the 14th in the month of March, in 1879. He took birth in the city of Ulm in Wurttemberg, in the country of Germany. He passed away on the 18th of April in the year of 1955, when he was 76 years old. His ethnicity was German Jewish. He was a citizen of the United States of America from 1940 onwards. He is widely known for his work on The Theory of Relativity and The Unified Field Theory. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in the year 1921 and was named Person of the Century by Time Magazine, for his contribution to the field of science.

Note: You can also add your own sentences. Make sure that all sentences are grammatically correct. Use connectors and conjunctions to make the paragraph more coherent.

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