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Which of the methods of ploughing is mostly practised?
a. Outside to inside ploughing
b. Inside to outside ploughing
c. Ploughing by putting furrow from one side of field
d. Ploughing by halai making

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: Ploughing is the process of loosening the soil by turning it, which is usually done with tools and this process is also called tilling, it is done before the sowing seeds.

Complete answer:
It is a very essential and important step for the successful crop.
There are so many patterns to plough the field, which is different for different types of crops
Good and optimal ploughing patterns reduces the time of non productive work.
At the same time, ploughing pattern is also based on the efficiency of the field, and shape of the field and pattern of the field.
There are lot of patterns for ploughing the field, among them
Circuitous pattern : it is the pattern, where the ploughing begins at the edge and ends at the center of the field.
It is nothing but always throwing the soil outside of the field.
It is usually done with disc ploughs or offset disc ploughs.
Headland pattern : In this pattern, where ploughing starts at one end and leaves the flat field evenly.
They are usually done with rotary machines.
Continuous ploughing method: It is a more conventional and economical method, usually done with a tractor.
Round and round method : it is done in the fields where the ridges and furrows are there.
It can be done at the center or start at one end.
Ploughing by halai : It is the easiest and commonly used method, commonly practised method.

Note: It is important to know the definition of ploughing and types, and the tools required for different types and the patterns used, which type is used in which type of fields, everything should be noted, so that this type of questions can be easily answered.
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