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Which of the following is the correct match?

A) Thalassemiaa) XOi) Flat nose, simian crease
B) Down's syndromeb) 42AA-XYii) Webbing of neck
C) Turner's syndromec) 44AA+XXXiii) Anaemia, jaundice
D) Klinefelter's syndromed) 44M-XXYiv) Tall thin eunuchoid

A) A.
B) B.
C) C.
D) D.

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 393.6k
Views today: 8.93k
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Hint: Some chromosomal abnormalities occur due to the presence of an extra chromosome, while some abnormalities occur due to the deleted or duplicated chromosome, and these abnormalities may result in the development of syndromes.

Complete answer:
> Thalassemia: It mainly occurs due to mutation in chromosome 11, where it consists of the hemoglobin beta gene and it is responsible for the production of beta chains of the hemoglobin, because of the mutation, the production decreases, and oxygen-carrying capability decreases. And it finally results in anemia.
So when we look at the above option about thalassemia it’s wrong.
> Downs syndrome: If any abnormal cell division occurs that results in an abnormality in the 21 chromosomes, where it contains one extra chromosome, it results in a condition called down's syndrome, so it is called trisomy 21.
When coming to the symptoms, the child born with mental retardation and features include a single crease in the palms and flat face, short neck and protruding tongue, etc.
So it is also given wrong.
> Turner’s syndrome: Any abnormality in cell division so that female born with single X chromosome
Abnormalities in the development of reproductive organs and delay in puberty, etc.
So it is also given wrong.
> Klinfelters syndrome: This is a genetic condition, where male born with extra X chromosome
In this males breast develops and infertility is seen and the body has eunuchoid features, which mean tall and thin.

So from the above explanation D. Klinefelter’s syndrome, 44M-XXY, Tall thin eunuchoid is the correct answer.

Apart from the numerical chromosomal abnormalities, it also consists of structural abnormalities also, mostly risk of this chromosomal abnormalities seen in the people having family history and age of the women when she conceives, etc.