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Which of the following is a ciliated protozoan?
A. Plasmodium vivax
B. Amoeba proteus
C. Paramecium caudatum
D. Leishmania donovani

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 394.2k
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Hint: Protozoans are the single-cell eukaryotic organisms, there are of many types, these protozoans live as either free-living organisms or they live as parasites, they feed on all debris of plants, animals, and all other organic matter.

Complete answer:
When coming to the characteristic features of protozoans, they are unicellular organisms, where they mostly reproduce by asexual reproduction, and for the movement, they have some locomotory organs
Types of asexual reproduction seen in protozoans are
Binary fission, where the parent cell is divided into two daughter cells, examples are amoeba, paramecium
Schizogony: In this type, they have some other stage called protozoa, where they again undergo the fission, an example for the schizogony is plasmodium.
 Budding: In this type, buds are formed around the cell and later they divided into separate cells and form as daughter cells, example for budding is a paramecium
In order to move, these protozoans have different locomotory organs
Pseudopodia: It is present in the protozoans like an amoeba, because of the presence of pseudopodia, the amoeba is able to move from one place to another.
The classification of protozoans based on locomotory organs, they are
Ciliophora: They are generally called as ciliates, where the body is covered by many short cilia, example for ciliated protozoans are paramecium
Sarcomastigophora: They are generally called as flagellates, consisting of one or flagella.
Apicomplexa: They are present in most parasites, initially they are nonmotile, later they have spores.
And the other option given above is Leishmania Donovan which is a parasite having flagella

So the answer is paramecium.

Usually in protozoans, the locomotory organs present are not only useful for locomotion, but they also are useful for food collection and protection and some locomotor organs are useful in times of reproduction for gene transfer like pilus.