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Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Assume that 30 percent of 1500 is equal to x. Now, convert 30% into fraction by dividing it with 100 and removing the percentage sign. Take the product of this fraction with 1500 and equate it with x to form a linear equation in x. Solve for the value of x to get the answer.

Complete step by step answer:
Here we have been asked to find the value of 30 percent of x. First let us understand the meaning of the term ‘percentage’.
In mathematics, percentage represents a number or ratio as a fraction of 100. For example: if we say 60% of the total number of students in a class are boys then we mean that if there are 100 students in a class then 60 of them are boys. To change a percentage into fraction we divide the given number by 100 and remove the percentage sign.
Now let us come to the question. We have been asked to determine the value of 30% of 1500. First we need to change 30% into its fractional form. So removing the percentage sign and dividing with 100 we have,
$\Rightarrow 30\%=\dfrac{30}{100}$
Now the term ‘of’ means multiplication in mathematics, so we have,
$\Rightarrow \dfrac{30}{100}\times 1500=x$
Cancelling the common factors we get,
\[\therefore x=450\]

Hence 30% of 1500 is 450.

Note: You must remember the interconversion rules of fractions, decimals and percentages. Note that percentage is dimensionless, i.e. it has no unit and is a pure number. The reason is that it is a ratio of the same quantities having the same units which is multiplied with 100. Remember different terms used in mathematics like ‘of’ means product and ‘by’ means division.