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Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: We need to find what 30% of 3000 is. For that, suppose that 30% of 3000 is x and then use the method of cross multiplication to find the value of x.

Complete step-by-step answer:
In this question, we need to be given two numbers 30 and 3000. We are asked to determine what 30% of 3000 is.
In mathematics, percentage is defined as a rate/number/amount in each 100. For example, if we write 50%, then it means 50 parts of something in 100 parts.
So, to find 30% of 3000, firstly let x be 30% of 3000.
There is a simple method to solve this question.
Consider 3000 as 100% and x as 30% and we need to find x.
So, the statement can be written as
  3000 = 100\% \\
  x = 30\% \;
Now, we need to cross multiply the terms to find out the value of x.
 $ \Rightarrow x \times 100 = 3000 \times 30 $ - - - - - - - - (1)
Here, we are finding x, so we will make x the subject of our equation.
Therefore, equation (1) will become
 $ \Rightarrow x = \dfrac{{3000 \times 30}}{{100}} $
Simplifying the above equation we get,
   \Rightarrow x = \dfrac{{3000 \times 30}}{{100}} \\
   \Rightarrow x = 30 \times 30 \\
   \Rightarrow x = 900 \;
Hence, we have our answer. 30% of 3000 is 900.
So, the correct answer is “900”.

Note: Percent can be converted to fraction by dividing the given percent term with 100 and fraction can be converted into percentage by multiplying it with 100. Keep in mind that when you convert percent into fraction, you should remove the percent sign and only write the fraction term. Percentage is a dimensionless number and it has no unit of measurement.