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Thoppikkallu, Kudakkallu, Sacrophagus and Menhir are examples of?
A) Monoliths
B) Microliths
C) Megaliths
D) Mesoliths

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Thoppikkallu (tomb stones), Kudakkallu (hood stones), Sacrophagus (stone coffin associated with ancient civilization of Egypt, Rome, Greece), Menhir (standing tall upright stone) are all associated with the early ancient civilization.

Complete step by step solution:
A) Monoliths – It can be considered as a single huge stone or rock such as a mountain or single piece of rock placed as a building or a monument.
B) Microliths – This is a very small stone used as a tool by humans about about 35000 to 3000 years ago across Europe, Africa, and Asia.
C) Megaliths – It is derived from a Greek word mega means great and lithos meaning stone which refers to a particular class of monuments made of large stones and is not used for all big monuments. It is specifically used for burials made of large stones in graveyards. In Europe megaliths were generally constructed during the Neolithic ( late stone age) and Chalcolithic or Copper age (4500-1500 B.C) The Megalithic structures of Malta are believed to be the oldest of this kind of stones in Europe. The most remarkable of all the megalithic monuments were the Thoppikkallu, Kudakkallu, Sacrophagus and Menhir.
D) Mesolithic – After the end of the ice age (Upper Paleolithic age) climate became warm and dry which led to a change in flora and fauna and hence it was possible for humans to move to new areas. It was approx. of 9000BC and called as the Intermediate stage i.e. the Middle stone age .Stone tools were Microlithis which were blades, daggers, knives or arrowheads and many more.

The ancient history was divided into the Paleolithic age ( old stone age ) , Mesolithic ( middle stone age) , Neolithic age ( new stone age) and the Chalcolithic or Copper age ( Iron age).
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