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The percentage of nitrogen in air is:
a.) 21%
b.) 0.1%
c.) 54%
d.) 78%

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: Oxygen and Nitrogen are the most abundant gases in the air. Nitrogen is not highly reactive with other molecules in the atmosphere and is mainly present in air as dinitrogen.

Complete step by step answer:
Nitrogen is the most abundant component in the air. Nitrogen is a colourless, odorless, tasteless and inert gas that accounts for 78 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere.
So, 78% of Nitrogen is present in the atmosphere. Therefore, the correct option is (d).

Additional Information:
As we all know, Nitrogen is present in all living organisms on the planet and the nitrogen cycle allows scientists to trace the movement of the gas from the atmosphere into the soil, flora and fauna which then decompose and release it back into the atmosphere.
Nitrogen is present in all living organisms. They are present in base pairs that make up nucleic acid, making it an essential component for life.
Oxygen is the second most abundant gas in the atmosphere and the third most abundant chemical in the universe after hydrogen and helium.
Nearly all of the Earth’s atmosphere is made up of only five gases: they are nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour, argon and carbon dioxide.
The abundance of chemical elements in the universe is dominated by the large amounts of hydrogen and helium which were produced in the big bang. Remaining elements, making up only about 2% of the universe, were largely produced by supernovae and red giant stars.

Note: Sometimes we think that the oxygen is required for our respiration and it will be the most abundant in the atmosphere. But it is not right. Nitrogen is abundant and oxygen is only about 21%.
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