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The force of gravitation is
A. Repulsive
B. Conservation
C. Electrostatic
D. Non-Conservative

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: For solving these types of questions we must remember the definition of all the types of force given. Then only we will be able to find out the correct option.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Force of gravitation: The law of universal gravitation of Newton is generally stated as each particle attracts any other particle in the universe with a force that is directly proportional to the sum of its masses and inversely proportional to the distance square between its centers.

It is given by

${F_g} = G\dfrac{{{m_1} \cdot {m_2}}}{{{r^2}}}$


${F_g}$ is the force of Gravitation

$G$ is the gravitational constant that is $6.674 \times {10^{ - 11}}{m^3}k{g^{ - 1}}{s^{ - 2}}$

${m_1}\;and\;{m_2}$ are the masses of the objects

$r$ Is the distance between the objects centres.

a.) Repulsive force - It is the power that repels bodies one another. It is the force that makes a physical quantity change.

b.) Conservative force – This is the force needed to move a particle from one point to another, such that it is independent of the part's direction. This depends only on the particle's original and final location. Examples include tidal force and elastic resonance force.

c.) Electrostatic force – It is also known as the interaction of the Coulomb force, or Coulomb. It is the force of attraction or repulsion between two electrically charged objects. We know that they repel each other like charges while attracting each other unlike charges.
Coulomb's legislation is used to measure the force strength between two charges.

We are linked by force in the straight line.

If $r$ is the distance between charges, then the force between charges in two points $q$ and $Q$ is:

$F = \dfrac{1}{{4\Pi {\varepsilon _0}}}\dfrac{{qQ}}{{{r^2}}}$

Force will be in newton here and Coulomb will be in charge

d.) Non-Conservative force - A nonconservative force is one that relies on the direction taken to function with. Friction is one example of a nonconservative force.

Therefore, our answer is option B) The force of gravitation is conservative force.

Note: In this question we saw that the knowledge of the definition of each type of force helps us to understand the types of force and the property they have. Hence, we must always remember these basic types of forces and the properties they have.
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