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What will be the equivalent weight of \[CuS{O_4} \] in terms of its molecular weight m in the following reactions?
\[2CuS{O_4} + 4KI \to C{u_2}{I_2} + {I_2} + {K_2}S{O_4}\]

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 402.6k
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Hint: Relative Molecular mass or atomic weight is the mass of a particle. It is determined as the aggregate of the nuclear loads of every constituent component duplicated by the quantity of iotas of that component in the sub-atomic equation.

Complete step by step solution:
> Equivalent weight is the mass of a given substance which will join or dislodge straightforwardly or in a roundabout way with 1.008 parts by mass of hydrogen or 8 sections by mass of oxygen or 35.5 parts by mass of chlorine – these qualities relate to the nuclear weight isolated by the standard valence.
\[1C{u^{2 + }} \to 1C{u^ + } + {e^ - }\]
Here the oxidation state of \[C{u^{2 + }}\] is 2 and \[1C{u^ + }\] is 1 so the change is of 1 now, finding n-factor :
N-factor \[ = 2 - 1 = 1\]
\[equivalent\,weight = \dfrac{{molecular\,weight}}{{n - factor}} = molecular\,weight\]
\[Equivlaent\,weight\,of\,CuS{O_4} = 65.5 + 32 + 4 \times 16\]
\[ = 63.5 + 32 \times 64\]
\[ = 159.5\,\]
So, \[Equivlaent\,weight\,of\,CuS{O_4}\]is \[159.5\,\].
> Molecular weight is a proportion of the aggregate of the nuclear weight estimations of the particles in an atom. Sub-atomic weight is utilized in science to decide stoichiometry in compound responses and conditions. Sub-atomic weight is generally contracted by M.W. or then again MW. Sub-atomic weight is either unitless or communicated regarding nuclear mass units (amu) or Daltons (Da).
> Both nuclear weight and sub-atomic weight are characterized comparative with the mass of the isotope carbon-12, which is doled out an estimation of 12 amu. The explanation is that the nuclear load of carbon isn't decisively 12 is that it is a blend of isotopes of carbon.

Note: The count for sub-atomic weight depends on the sub-atomic equation of a compound (i.e., not the easiest recipe, which just incorporates the proportion of kinds of molecules and not the number). The quantity of each kind of particle is increased by its nuclear weight and afterward added to the loads of different molecules.

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