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The best way to reduce the population of undesirable species is
(a) Reduce the carrying capacity of the environment of that species
(b) Elimination of Females
(c) Elimination of Young Generation
(d) None of the above

Last updated date: 20th Apr 2024
Total views: 397.8k
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Hint: Carrying capacity is the absolute maximum population size of a species that can be sustained by the environment, and many variables can affect capacity carrying and size reductions.

Complete answer: Carrying ability is the organisms' average population size which an ecosystem can support indefinitely. When capability is exceeded a population can live on the available resources without depleting the total resource supply. Where a population is below potential. The individuals have access to more than enough resources to survive when a population is below the carrying capacity. When a population expands and starts to exceed the carrying capacity, the population continues to consume energy at the same pace as the energy is generated. Often this creates competition between individuals for the resources available. As a result, some people will die when they can't get enough resources and others won't reproduce because they don't have the resources to support offspring. Environmental resistance leads to a carrying capacity.

So, the Correct answer is ‘Reduce the carrying capacity of the environment of that species’

Note: For example, if a grassland is becoming hotter and hotter, drying up, and turning into a more desert-like environment, then the number of individuals living in that grassland is going to decline as suitable habitat decreases.
Carrying ability may also be decreased if each organism absorbs less from the atmosphere within the animal. Think of humans: if every person has a four-car garage and a big home, the world would be able to support less inhabitants than if every person were to stay in a small apartment and travel by road.