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What is the S.I unit of upthrust ?
(a). Pa
(b). N
(c). Kg
(d). kgm$^{2}$

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 397.5k
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Hint: Buoyant force and upthrust is the same, in each of the cases the body feels an upward force opposing its path, and since it is a force it must have the same unit as any other force uses.

Complete step-by-step answer:
When a solid body is submerged in a fluid like water completely or partially the body experiences an upward force that is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body, this force is known as Upthrust, it is just the same as buoyant force.

And hence, Its unit is equal to that of buoyant force and since buoyant force is a type of force, we know that the SI unit of force is N, so its Unit is also N.
Therefore option b is the correct option.

Additional Information:
When an object is immersed the pressure exerted by the fluid causes the buoyancy. The force that is experienced by the object is always an upward force, by this we come to know that the pressure of the fluid increases with increase in depth.

Note: Each and every force in the world does not have the same unit , like the gravitational force which is the force of the earth itself does not have the same unit, hence we have to see that there is a weight of the body, which is moving a center distance in a fixed time period then we can say that it has a unit similar to N.