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Who had scrapped the partition of Bengal?
(A) Lord Hardinge
(B) Lord Mountbatten
(C) Lord Lytton
(D) Lord Wellesley

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: The Partition of Bengal was held in the year 1905. It was carried forward by Lord Curzon, who was the Viceroy of India at that time. The person who was appointed as the Viceroy of India from 1910 to 1916 had scrapped the partition of Bengal.

Complete answer:
Lord Curzon initiated the partition of Bengal in the year 1905. According to his statement, the partition was done for handling the administration of Bengal in a smooth manner. Since 1765, Bengal, Orissa and Bihar were a single region. The province had grown too large by 1900 which became difficult to handle by a single administration. East Bengal, because of the poor communications and isolation, had been neglected. That's why Lord Curzon decided to split this into different small regions. But the primary purpose behind this was to separate the Hindu Province and the Muslim Province.
In 1911, Lord Hardinge scrapped the Partition of Bengal because there were riots and violence spread all around against the partition. People started the Swadeshi and Boycott movement after the division of Bengal. Hence, Lord Hardinge on the visit of King George V announced the reunification of Bengal. He also passed an order to shift the capital of India from Bengal to Delhi. The Hindus were happy with the annulment of the Partition of Bengal, but it created the feeling of betrayal among Muslims, and they felt cheated.
So, the correct answer is option A.

Note: The Partition of Bengal was the first step that awakened Indians to throw Britishers out of India. The Bengal was partitioned second time in 1947 into East Pakistan. In the year 1971, it set up its independent state and named it as Bangladesh.