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Raman`s Shop
Apple40 per kg
Orange30 per kg
Combs3 for 1

Toothbrushes 10 for one
Pencils1 for one
Note books6 for one
Soap cakes8 for one

The sales during the last year
Apple2,457 kg
Orange3,004 kg

Tooth brushes 25,367
Note books40,002
Soap cakes20,005

From the above data
Can you find the total weight of apples and oranges Raman sold
A) Weight of apples=_________________
Weight of oranges=________________
Therefore, total weight=____________kg+____________kg=_____________kg
Answer- The total weight of the oranges and apples=_____________kg
B) Can you find the total money Raman got by selling apples.
C) Can you find the total money Raman got by selling apples and oranges together.

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 389.4k
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Hint: From the above given table we must get the data to solve this question. To get the total weight of oranges and apples, we simply need to add the total sale of apples and oranges to get the result. To get the total amount raman got by selling apples we have to multiply the total number of apples sold with the price of the apples.

Complete step-by-step answer:
First we will solve the option (a)
A) In this question we have to find the total weight of apples and oranges
To find the total weight we have to add the weight of apples sold and oranges
Let put the given values first
Weight of apples sold= 2457kg
Weight of oranges= 3004kg
Total weight= \[24547 + 3004\]
$ = 5461kg$
Hence, the total weight of oranges and apples$ = 5461kg$
B) Now option b is asking for the total money Raman got by selling apples
We have to multiply the amount of apples and the total money got by selling
Raman sold 1kg apples for Rs.40
So total money Raman got by selling 2457 apples
$ = 2457.40$
$ = Rs.98280$
Raman got a total amount of Rs.98280 by selling apples.
C) In option c we have to find the total money Raman got by selling apples and oranges together
Raman got Rs.98280 by selling apples.
As we solved in option b
Now, we will calculate the total amount received by selling oranges.
To find it we will multiply the amount of oranges and total money selling by oranges
Raman sold 1kg oranges for Rs.30
So, total money Raman got by selling 3004 oranges
$ = 3004.30$
So, total money Raman got by selling apples and oranges together is
$ = 98280 + 90120$
Raman got a total amount of Rs.188400 by selling apples and oranges.

Note: When we multiply the total number of apples with the price of the apples, we must see that the units are proper. We should not consider the apples in kg’s and multiply it with the price of the single apple. Price must also be for the entire kg of apples.