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What percent of the earth is covered with water?

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: The Earth is the only planet in the entire solar system which consists of water. The percentage of water on the Earth is higher than its land area.

Complete Step by Step Answer:

-According to a current study from the U.S. Geological Survey, the Earth has its 71 percent covered in water. Out of that, 97 percent is salty ocean water and not fit for drinking.

-In terms of weight, only 0.5% of Earth's weight is water.

-Variability of water availability is vital both for the functioning of aquatic species and also for the availability of water for human use. It is only not considered renewable as most global runoff comes from areas of very low climatic variability.

-One-third of the world's population lives in "water-stressed" countries. Countries tagged as moderate to high stress consume 20 per cent more water than their available supply.

-Currently, India is facing a freshwater crisis. It has 4% of the world's fresh water but 16% of the global population. Odisha is the state of India to have the largest integrated area of water resources.

Note: Due to the high percentage of water on the Earth's surface, it is also regarded as the "blue planet". In India, the Right to water has been conserved as a basic human right by the Indian Supreme Court as part of the Right to Life. It is safeguarded under Article 21 of the Indian constitution.