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Oxygen photosynthesis occurs in
A. Chromatium
B. Oscillatoria
C. Rhodospirillum
D. Chlorobium

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint:Photosynthesis is a process in the plants. These use the direct sunlight and convert it into chemical energy which acts as a fuel for the future activities. This energy is stored in carbohydrates e.g. sugar. Leaf is the site where photosynthesis takes place in plants.

Complete answer:
Photosynthesis is derived from a greek word— phos means light and synthesis means putting together. Photosynthesis is a process in the plants. These use the direct sunlight and convert it into chemical energy which acts as a fuel for the future activities. This energy is stored in the carbohydrates eg. sugar. These are formed in plants from the carbon dioxide and water. The end product of this process is oxygen which is required to sustain life on earth. This process is seen in eukaryotic organisms eg. algae and cyanobacteria. These are called photoautotrophs. These produce the major percentage of oxygen present on earth.
Cyanobacteria includes oscillatoria i.e the correct answer is B — oxygen photosynthesis occurs in oscillatoria.
The light is absorbed by plant proteins known as reaction centres. These contain chlorophyll.

The entire process of photosynthesis is still unknown. The end product of this process is oxygen which is required to sustain life on earth. This process is seen in eukaryotic organisms e.g. algae and cyanobacteria. These are called photoautotrophs. These produce the major percentage of oxygen present on earth.