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On his father’s side Babur belongs to
a. Timur
b. Ghori
c. Gazini
d. Nadir Shah

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint: Babur was the founder of Mughal Empire and his father was Umar Sheikh Mirza who was the ruler of Fergana valley of Uzbekistan. His mother was Qutlugh Nigar Khanum who was from Chagatai Khanate of Mongolia.

Complete answer:
Babur was the first Mughal ruler of India and his full name was Zahir ud Din Muhammad. Babur had a Chagatai (mother) Turkish (father) origin. He was a descendent of Timur from his father’s side and Genghis Khan from his mother’s side. He was the eldest son of Umar Sheikh Mirza and ascended the throne at the age of 12 but faced rebellion. He defeated Ibrahim Lodi (last ruler of the Lodhi dynasty) in the Battle of Panipat which was held in 1526 CE and established the Mughal Empire in the Indian sub-continent. He was succeeded by his son Nasir ud Din Muhammad who was known as Humayun.
Babur had 9 daughters and 9 sons out of which many died and least survived. His sons who expanded the Mughal Empire included Humayun, Kamran Mirza, Askari Mirza, Hindal Mirza. Babur died at an age of 47 years in Agra on 5th January 1531. He was buried in Agra after his death but he had a wish to be buried in Kabul where he was buried later on in Bagh – e - Babur around 1539-1544.
Mughal Empire has genealogical relations with Mogol Royals and were descendants of Timur/Taimur/Amir Timur/ Tamerlane. He was a Turco-Mongol ruler and he founded the Timurid Empire which is in present-day Afghanistan, Iran, and Central Asia.

So, the correct option is Option A.

Note Baburnama is the autobiography of Babur written in Chagatai Turkic language. This autobiography was translated into Persian during Akbar’s rule (grandson of Babur).