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Name the types of public property.

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
Total views: 377.1k
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Hint:Those properties which can be used by the public are called public property. It means that public property is dedicated to the public. It is not an individual or private property. This property is usually owned by the state or government.

Complete answer:
There are 3 main types of public property.
1. It includes those facilities which we use every day. Such as: Road, Railways, Buses, Power Stations, Telephone exchange etc.
2. It includes lakes, parks, playgrounds, government offices, museums etc.
3. It includes historical monuments or heritage places such as forts, stupas, towers, temples and caves etc.

Additional Information
Public property is an important asset of any nation. We should consider public property as our own property and care for it. We should follow all the rules and regulations of a particular public property. We should not damage or make loss to any public property. We should take care of public property.

Note: This question is based on the concept of type of property. There are 2 types of properties.
1. public property
2. private property
Public property is divided further in sub-categories.
Students can visualize the answer through ways of using public property.
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