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Name the group of islands lying in the Arabian Sea.

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
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Hint: A group of islands or island chain is sometimes called an archipelago. Indonesian Archipelago, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, japanese Archipelago and Philippine Archipelago are some of the famous archipelagos of the world.

Complete Answer: The group of islands lying in the Arabian Sea is Lakshadweep. Lakshadweep is the second smallest populated place of India after Sikkim. This is the smallest union territory of our country. Kavaratti is the capital of the Union territory of Lakshadweep. This island group of India has coral origin. Atolls are circular or horseshoe shaped reefs which are considered as a kind of coral reefs. Lakshadweep is an archipelago which consists of 36 islands which are scattered over an area of about 78000 sq km of the Arabian Sea. arabian Sea is a region of the northern Indian ocean which is bounded on the north by Pakistan, Iran and the Gulf of Oman. Arabian Sea is bounded on the west by the Gulf of Aden, Arabian peninsula and on the south east, Arabian Sea is bounded by Laccadive Sea. Lakshadweep is located 200 to 440 km off the southwestern coast of India. The population of Lakshadweep is about 65000.

Note:An island is a piece of subcontinental land which is surrounded by water or any water body. Island is also known as isle. An island which is situated in a river or a lake island can be called an ait or eyot and a small island which is located off the coast can be called a holm.