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Mention any five factors responsible for the failure of the Provisional Government which was formed after the Russian Revolution.

Last updated date: 07th May 2024
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Hint: The Russian Revolution occurred in 1917 when peasants and working-class Russians rose against Tsar Nicholas II's authority. They were led by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks, a party of revolutionaries. The Soviet Union was founded by a new communist government.

Complete answer:
The Russian Provisional Government was created on 2 March 1917, shortly after Tsar Nicholas II of the Russian Empire abdicated. The monarchy's position remained ambiguous for the majority of the Provisional Government's existence. This was ultimately clarified on September 1st, when Kerensky, as Minister-President, and Zarudny, as Minister of Justice, issued a decree proclaiming the Russian Republic.

The following are the five elements that contributed to the interim government's failure:
1. The temporary government's power was eroded as Bolshevik influence rose. As a result, it decided to take drastic steps to quell the rising unrest.
2. Peasants and their socialist leader demanded land redistribution that the government could not provide.
3. This government was unable to achieve worker control over industry. It, on the other hand, fought worker attempts to govern factories.
4. This administration began arresting Bolshevik leaders, and the Bolsheviks' mass demonstrations were suppressed.
5. The failure to distribute land resources equally was a major source of anger among the peasants.

Note: The interim government's goal was to organise elections and a convention for the Russian Constituent Assembly. The interim administration only lasted about eight months before the Bolsheviks took control following the October Revolution in October 1917. According to Harold Whitmore Williams, the history of the Provisional Government's eight-month control over Russia was the history of the army's slow and systematic disarray.