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Lysigenous cavity occurs in
A. Stem of Helianthus
B. Root of Helianthus.
C. Root of Zea mays.
D. Stem of Zea mays.

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: Lysigenous cavity is a type of intercellular spaces that arises through dissolution of entire cells, which are therefore called as lysigenous cavities.
This type of cavity is mainly found in water plants and some monocotyledons plants.

Complete answer:
Lysigenous cavities are the type of cavities formed in the bodies of plants that form due to the breakdown of certain cells.
For example: lysigenous types of cavities are large spaces in water plants, in the stem of some monocots and the primary resin ducts of mango.
These cavities help in storage of water, gases and oil in them.
These types of cavities are found in monocots not in dicots.
In monocots stem, some of the protoxylem cells disintegrate and form into a lysigenous cavity known as protoxylem lacuna.
So, according to the question Helianthus (sunflower) is a dicotyledonous plant so that’s why no lysigenous is found in the root as well as in stem of helianthus plant.
So, option A and B is not correct.
Option C is Root of zea mays: zea mays (maize) is a monocot plant. So, a zea may is correct but lysigenous cavity is not found in the root of monocotyledons.
So, option c is incorrect.
Option D. stem of zea mays: As we had read lysigenous cavity is found in the stem of monocots. So, this option is correct because a zea mays is a monocot plant and lysigenous cavity is present in the stem.

So, the correct option is option D. Stem of Zea may.

Note: Schizolysigenous cavities: it is a type of cavity which occurs when a storage space initiates schizogenous, but the glandular epithelial cells lining the space undergo autolysis during late development further enlarging the storage cavity.