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If the sum of two consecutive numbers is 201, find the numbers.
A) 101 and 200
B) 100 and 101
C) 200 and 201
D) 100 and 102

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 407.7k
Views today: 5.07k
MVSAT 2024
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Hint: Consecutive numbers are number one after another i.e., Suppose if x is a number then the next number is x+1 which means x and x+1 are consecutive numbers.
Complete Step by Step Solution:
Here we know that consecutive numbers are numbers which are one after another so from there it is clear that option A and D are not consecutive numbers. Therefore they are incorrect now all we need to do is add up the rest two one by one and see which pair can give us 201
For Option C:
\[200 + 201 = 401\]
Which is clearly an incorrect option
For option B:
\[100 + 101 = 201\] which is clearly the correct option
Therefore option B is the correct option here.

Note: We can also do this question by forming an linear equation, we know that consecutive numbers are of the form x, x+1 and we are also given that if we add them we will get it as 201
\therefore x + x + 1 = 201\\
 \Rightarrow 2x + 1 = 201\\
 \Rightarrow 2x = 201 - 1\\
 \Rightarrow 2x = 200\\
 \Rightarrow x = \dfrac{{200}}{2}\\
 \Rightarrow x = 100
So as we have one of the numbers as 100 the other naturally becomes 100+1 i.e., 101.