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If a line intersects two concentric circles with centre A in points P, Q, R and S respectively, then prove that \[PQ = RS\].

Last updated date: 20th Apr 2024
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Hint: First draw a figure reflecting all the points mentioned in the question then a perpendicular from center will bisect that chord Use this relation to get the required proof.

Complete Step by Step Solution:
Let us try to draw the figure of the concentric circles along with the line
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As we can see that QR is a Chord on the smaller circle and PS is the chord on the larger circle
Clearly at OT is the perpendicular on the chord and also bisects it
To Prove: \[PQ = RS\]
Perpendicular from the center of the circle bisects the chord
QT = RT...........................(1)\\
PT = ST............................(2)
Now let us try to subtract them both and lets see what we get
Subtracting Equation (1) from equation (2) We get,
\[PT - QT = ST - RT\]
From the figure it is very much clear that
PT - QT = PQ\\
ST - RT = RS\\
\therefore PQ = RS (proved)

Note: Drawing the figure correctly was very much important as if we had interchanged the position for P and R the outcome would be completely different also note that the theorem that any perpendicular from the center of the circle bisects the chord.
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