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Find the dividend if the divisor \[ = 21\] quotient \[ = 43\] & remainder \[ = 19\].

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: The number or value or amount that we divide is known as a ‘dividend’
Divisor \[ \to \] The number which divides the dividend is known as divisor.
Quotient \[ \to \] the result obtained from the division process is known as a quotient
Remainder \[ \to \]The number left over after the division process is known as the remainder.
The formula to find the dividend is
\[Dividend = Divisor \times Quotient + \operatorname{Re} mainder\]
Usually we divide a number by another number, it results in a answer, such that
\[\dfrac{A}{B} = C\]
Here ‘A’ is the dividend B is the divisor and ‘C’ is the quotient.
\[\dfrac{{Dividend}}{{Divisor}} = Quotient\]
We can write
\[Dividend = Divisor \times Quotient\]
If any remainder is left after the division method then
\[Dividend = Divisor \times Quotient + remainder\]

Complete step-by-step answer:
Divisor \[ = 21\]
quotient \[ = 43\]
remainder \[ = 19\]
Now, we use the dividend formula.
\[Dividend = Divisor \times Quotient + remainder\]
\[ = 21 \times 43 + 19\]
\[ = 903 + 19\]
\[ = 922\]
Hence the dividend is 922.

Note: The division is a method of distributing a group of things into equal parts. It is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic, which gives a fair result of sharing. The division is an operation inverse of multiplication.
Dividend is the whole which is to be divided into different equal parts.
For example: - if 10 is divided by 2, then the answer will be two equal parts of number 5 and 10 is the dividend.