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Differentiate between complete and incomplete flowers.

Last updated date: 11th May 2024
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Hint:- The flowers are the most attractive parts of the plant, which consist of colorful petals. Before the petals grow, the petals' leaves are stored in the small bud, known as sepals. It is made up of the small leaf-like structures that hold the petals of the flower together.

Complete step-by-step solution:-
The difference between complete and incomplete flowers are given below

Complete flowerIncomplete flower
The flower with their four principal parts is known as a complete flower. These parts are sepal, petal, pistil, and stamen.The flower that does not possess all the four principal parts is known as an incomplete flower.
An example of a complete flower isRose.An example of an incomplete flower is Begonia.

Additional information: The flowers divided into equal halves in any radial plane are termed as actinomorphic flowers. For example, chili and mustard. Conversely, the flowers divided into two halves along the central axis are known as zygomorphic plants. For example, pea and cassia. Some flowers do not have any symmetry and are placed under regular or irregular symmetry. For example, canna has irregular symmetry.

Note:- Bisexual flowers contain both male and female reproductive organs and, therefore, can undergo self-pollination. In self-pollination, male gametes from the male reproductive organ are transferred to the female reproductive organ.
On the contrary, the flower with sepals, petals, style, stigma, and ovary is a female unisexual flower. Such flowers are incomplete as they do not contain stamens. The male unisexual flower contains sepals, petals, and stamens, with anthers and filaments.