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Difference of the greatest 7 digit number and smallest 5 digit number is

Last updated date: 20th May 2024
Total views: 381.3k
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Hint: Here we need to find the difference of the greatest 7 digit number and smallest 5 digit number. For that, we will find the greatest 7 digit number and then we will find the smallest 5 digit number. We will find their difference by subtracting the smallest 5 digit number from the greatest 7 digit number.

Complete step by step solution:
We know the greatest 7 digit number is 9999999 and we know the smallest 5 digit number is 10000.
Now, we will subtract the smallest 5 digit number from the greatest 7 digit number to calculate its difference.
Difference of the smallest 5 digit number and greatest 7 digit number \[ = \] greatest 7 digit number\[ - \] smallest 5 digit numbers …….. \[\left( 1 \right)\]
Now, we will substitute the value of greatest 7 digit number and smallest 5 digit number in equation \[\left( 1 \right)\].
\[ \Rightarrow \] Difference of the smallest 5 digit number and greatest 7 digit number \[ = 9999999 - 10000\]
Now, we will subtract 10000 from 9999999.
\[ \Rightarrow \] Difference of the greatest 7 digit number and smallest 5 digit number \[ = 9989999\]
Hence, the correct option is option B.

Note: Here, we might get confused and take 1000000 as the greatest 7 digit number and 99999 as smallest 5 digit number. 1000000 is the smallest 7 digit number here and not the greatest because if subtract 1 from it we will get 999999 which is a 6 digit number and not 7 digit number. Similarly, 99999 is the greatest 5 digit number and not the smallest because if we add 1 the number becomes 100000 which is a 6 digit number. So we need to be careful while substituting the greatest 7 digit and smallest 5 digit number.