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Describe the industrial development of Punjab-Haryana Plain.

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The Punjab-Haryana Plain is formed due to the aggradational activity of the Beas, Satluj, and the Ravi rivers. The region of Punjab-Haryana plain is spread over 640 km from north-east to south-west and 300 km from west to east. It covers an area of approximately 1.75 lakh sq. km.

Complete Answer:
Agriculture is the primary source of income of the people living in Punjab-Haryana plain. Although agriculture is the main activity carried over there, some large scale and small scale industries are developing in recent times. Some large scale industries such as cotton and woolen textiles, light engineering goods, locomotive, fertilizers, and sugar etc have been set up here. Small scale industries which include sports goods, handloom, bicycle, and hosiery etc are found in the region. the development of industries in the region of Punjab-Haryana plain got a boost After the period of independence. Financial assistance was provided by the government. The way for industrialization paved its way due to the large amount of energy generated by the Bhakra-Nangal project and a good market for consumer goods. Amritsar city of Punjab state is well-known for textiles, machine tools and food processing industries. Jalandhar city in Punjab is the leading center of sports goods. Scientific apparatuses are manufactured in large scale in the Ambala city of Haryana. Ambala is named as the Science City of Haryana.

Intensive erosion is seen in the northern part of the region, adjoining the Shiwaliks due to the numerous small streams called Chos. Food processing is the major industry in Punjab. Faridabad is the industrial hub of Haryana.