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How do you convert 40 degrees into radians?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Radian is one of the units for measuring the angles. One radian is equal to the angle formed by an arc having a length equal to the radius of the circle. The circumference of a circle is $2\pi r$. Therefore one complete rotation will be equal to $2\pi $ radians.

Complete Step by Step Solution:
To understand how radian is measured, let us consider a circle of radius r.
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The angle made by an arc having a length equal to the radius of the circle is equal to one radius. We know that the circumference of a circle is
$\Rightarrow P=\pi d=2\pi r$
Where $\pi $ is a mathematical constant which is approximately equal to the value $\dfrac{22}{7}$ and d is the diameter of the circle.
One complete rotation will form an angle equal to ${{360}^{\circ }}$. Therefore the angle formed by the circumference of the circle is equal to ${{360}^{\circ }}$.
The angle formed by an arc length equal to the radius ( r ) is equal to 1 radian.
Hence the angle formed by the circumference ($2\pi r$) is equal to $2\pi $radians and is equal to ${{360}^{\circ }}$.
$\Rightarrow 2\pi \text{ rad}={{360}^{\circ }}$ ……(1)
Now we have our conversion factor.
The given problem is that we have to convert the angle 40 degrees into radians. We already know that
$\Rightarrow 2\pi \text{ rad}={{360}^{\circ }}$
We can rewrite the above equation as
$\Rightarrow \dfrac{2\pi }{360}\text{ rad}={{1}^{\circ }}$ ……(2)
Hence an angle of one degree is equal to $\dfrac{2\pi }{360}$ radians. Equation (2) provides the conversion factor.
We have to convert the angle 40 degrees into radians. Hence from equation (2)
$\Rightarrow {{40}^{\circ }}=\dfrac{2\pi }{360}\times \text{40 rad}$
Now substitute the value of the mathematical constant pi ($\pi =3.143$)
$\Rightarrow {{40}^{\circ }}=\dfrac{2\times 3.143}{360}\times \text{40 rad}$
$\Rightarrow {{40}^{\circ }}=\dfrac{251.44}{360}\text{ rad}=0.698\text{4 radians}$

Therefore the angle of 40 degrees is equivalent to 0.6984 radians.

When converting from radian to degrees, we should not mention the degrees in decimal quantity. We should denote the decimal angle part using minutes and seconds.
For example, consider a situation in which we have to convert 0.7 radians into degrees. From equation (1) we have
$\Rightarrow 1\text{ rad}=\dfrac{360}{2\pi }\text{degrees}$
For 0.7 radians
$\Rightarrow \text{0}\text{.7 rad}=0.7\times \dfrac{360}{2\pi }\text{degrees}$
$\Rightarrow \text{0}\text{.7 rad}=40.\text{107 degrees}$
Instead of writing 40.107 degrees, we should denote it as follows
$\Rightarrow {{1}^{\circ }}=6{0}'$ (minute of arc)
$\Rightarrow 0.107rad=0.107\times 6{0}'=6.4{2}'$
$\Rightarrow {1}'=6{0}''$ (second of arc)
$\Rightarrow 0.4{2}'=0.42\times 6{0}''=2{5}''$
Therefore the angle is $\text{4}{{\text{0}}^{\circ }}\text{ {6}' 2{5}''}$and not ${{40.107}^{\circ }}$.