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Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the given word: AUSPICIOUS
A. Spicy
B. Unfavourable
C. Conspicuous
D. Condemnatory

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 403.2k
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Hint: Auspicious means very promising or very favourable to success. It is an adjective.

Complete answer:
From the hint given to us, we know that auspicious means very promising or very favourable to success.. We also know that it is an adjective. Hence, we can infer that the opposite of must mean unfavourable and not promising.
- Spicy means seasoned or piquant. It is an adjective. We observe that it does not match the meaning of the opposite word which we had inferred for auspicious. Hence option A is not the correct answer.
- Unfavourable means not promising. It is an adjective. We observe that it matches the meaning of the opposite word which we had inferred for auspicious. Hence option B is possibly the correct answer.
- Conspicuous means very evident or clearly visible. It is an adjective.We observe that it does not match the meaning of the opposite word which we had inferred for auspicious. Hence option C is not the correct answer.
- Condemnatory means not approved or not appreciated. It is an adjective. We observe that it does not match the meaning of the opposite word, which we had inferred. Hence option D is not the correct answer.

> Hence, we can conclude that option B, spicy is the correct answer.

Note: Auspicious also means special in a sense that it seems to bring luck.