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Choose the correct word/phrase to complete the sentence.
I couldn't understand the ______ of his speech.
a. Clean
b. Content
c. Conflict
d. Contest

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
Total views: 406.8k
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Hint: To fill in the blank means to complete the interruption, ambiguity or vagueness in understanding, perception, or context of a sentence by completing it.

Complete step by step solution:
In the given question, we have to choose the correct word that fits in the sentence. Here, we are talking about something related to ‘his speech’, which ‘I’ could not understand.
Let us analyze the options given to us in this question:
Option (a.), 'clean', refers to something free of restrictions or qualifications.
Therefore, option (a.) is incorrect as it is not something that can be attributed as relevant to understanding of someone’s ‘speech’.

Option (b.), ‘content', refers to what a communication that is about something is about.
Therefore, option (b.) is correct as it is something that can be attributed as relevant to understanding of someone’s ‘speech’.

Option (c.), ‘conflict', refers to opposition between two simultaneous but incompatible feelings.
Therefore, option (c.) is incorrect as it is not something that can be attributed as relevant to understanding of someone’s ‘speech’.

Option (d.), ‘contest', refers to making the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation,
Therefore, option (d.) is incorrect as it is not something that can be attributed as relevant to understanding of someone’s ‘speech’.

Note: In this question, you should not get confused between ‘content’ and ‘conflict’. ‘Conflict’ of speech is not a viable phrase as it cannot occur within only one speech. Moreover, ‘content’ talks about the message of the speech, which “I” could not understand in the given sentence.
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