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Choose the correct meaning of the given proverb-
People in glass houses should not throw stones.
a. If you throw stones, your house will shatter.
b. You shouldn’t criticize others when you too have your own weaknesses.
c. Don’t throw stones because it can hurt someone.
d. It isn’t very polite to throw stones at somebody.

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 402.6k
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Hint : “Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones” is a proverb used to convey that “One who is vulnerable to criticism regarding a certain issue should not criticize others about the same issue”

Complete answer:
This proverb is majorly used in European countries. A proverb is a short saying that states a general truth or advice. They're popular as they are told and re-told through generations, incorporated in books and stories that grandparents narrate to children. Proverbs have a deeper meaning than the one you perceive at first. The given proverb is a very old saying and is famous as well, as it’s been used often to produce a dramatic effect. It’s an advice against people whose own structures (pertaining to personality and deeds) are weak (glass houses), such people should not bring out the flaws of another (throw stones). This way we know the exact meaning of the given proverb and we can easily find out the correct answer. Here, option ‘b’ is the only option which provides the same meaning. All the other options, ‘a’, ‘c’ and ‘d’ do not provide the actual meaning of the given proverb, as they are going on the literal meaning of the given phrase, which is not correct. Most of the idioms/phrases demand to be recognized by their metaphoric meaning and not literal meaning. Hence, option ‘b’, You shouldn’t criticize others when you too have your own weaknesses, is the correct answer.

Note : Idioms are not meant to be taken literally, so you should immediately eliminate the options which convey a literal meaning, related to the given phrase/idiom.