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Choose the antonym of the underlined word in the given sentence:
A deficit budget is harmful to the nation’s economy.

Last updated date: 24th Apr 2024
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Hint: To be able to distinguish between the given words, the meanings of the given word, and the options must be known or found out.

Complete step-by-step answer:

 The given word, “deficit” is a noun meaning, shortfall or lack of or deficiency. All the given options are nouns as well. Option a “profit” means gain or advantage, it is irrelevant to the given word, it cannot be an antonym, hence it is an incorrect choice. Option b, “bonus” is a gift or a present, which has no relevance in the given context, it also is an incorrect option. Option c, benefit, is an advantage or gain, which like profit, is irrelevant to the given word, this is an incorrect choice as well. Option d, surplus, means abundance or excess, which is clearly the opposite of the given word. Clearly, all the given options, other than option d, surplus, are incorrect. We are asked to determine the antonym, meaning a word that is opposite in meaning as the given word. Clearly, option d is the correct answer.

Note: The most important part of solving this question would be to know the meanings of the given word and the options that follow. Here, even though the other three options are in the positive meaning, the fact that they are pretty much irrelevant to the given word, to begin with, helps in the process of elimination. The last word remaining is the correct answer.

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