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Where are the Sulaiman and Kirthar hills located?

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: Along with the Kirthar Mountains of south Pakistan, the Sulaiman range forms the ‘Sulaiman-Kirthar’ range. The Kirthar-Sulaiman geologic province stretches from the Arabian Sea coast in the north to the Sulaiman Mountains in the northwest.

Complete answer:
The Sulaiman and the Kirthar hills are located in Pakistan. The Sulaiman Mountains is a north-south extension of the Hindukush mountain system. They form the eastern boundary of the Iranian Plateau and the north-eastern boundary of the Balochistan Plateau. This is located in Zabul, Kandahar, and Loya Paktia of Afghanistan. In Pakistan, the Sulaiman’s extend over the north of Balochistan, and some areas of Punjab. Along with the Kirthar Mountains of south Pakistan, the Sulaiman range forms the ‘Sulaiman-Kirthar’ range. The Kirthar-Sulaiman geologic province stretches from the Arabian Sea coast in the north to the Sulaiman Mountains in the northwest. The most famous peak of the Sulaiman range is the ‘Takht-e-Sulaiman’, which is a twin peak. The highest peak of the range is Zarghun Ghar which is at 3,578 meters and is located near Quetta, Pakistan. The Kirthar Mountains are a mountain range that marks the boundary between the Pakistani provinces of Sindh and Balochistan. The range comprises much of the Kirthar National Park. The highest peak of the range is Zardak Peak, which has a height of 7,430 ft or 2,260 meters approx.

Note: The Sulaiman Mountains is an extension of the Hindukush range. The most famous peak of the Sulaiman range is the ‘Takht-e-Sulaiman’, which is a twin peak. The highest peak of the range is Zarghun Ghar which is at 3,578 meters and is located near Quetta, Pakistan.