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Why are school buses painted in yellow?
A). Because yellow color makes the vehicle look good
B). Our eyes are mostly sensible to yellow color
C). Our eyes are least sensitive to yellow color
D). All are true

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 381.9k
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Hint: The visible spectrum of light has seven colors and is named VIBGYOR. These are arranged in their increasing wavelength order. Yellow color can be seen from distance and in bad climatic and visual conditions also. The yellow color is attractive and sensitive to the eyes.

Complete step-by-step solution:
We can see yellow from a distance, even in the rain, fog, and dew. According, to scientists, the lateral peripheral vision of yellow color is 1.24 times greater than the red color.
The school bus is painted yellow so that the possibility of accidents on the highway will be less and children can reach their schools or homes comfortably.
Therefore, option B) is correct, that is, school buses are painted yellow because our eyes are most sensitive to yellow color.
Additional information:
Following are some of the guidelines that a school bus should follow:
i). The name of the school should be written on the bus
ii). The school bus should mention the name of the principal of the particular school.
iii). There should be a first aid kit available on every bus.
iv). At last, the verification of the driver of each school bus is important.
We should also know some of the important points about the spectrum of light. It consists of seven different colors, which are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red (VIBGYOR). Further, these are arranged in increasing order of wavelength. Red light has the highest wavelength and lowest frequency (Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency).VIBGYOR comes under the visible region, which has a wavelength ranging from 400nm to 700nm. There are different regions like the infrared region, far-infrared region, ultraviolet region, gamma region.

Note: Red light has the highest wavelength and therefore used in the traffic light, danger boards, etc. The wavelength of yellow color (580nm) is lower than that of red color (650nm) but the lateral peripheral vision of yellow color is 1.24 times greater than the red color.
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