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A mixture of sand and water can be separated by the method: (multiple options correct)
A) Sedimentation followed by decantation
B) Filtration
C) Evaporation
D) Sublimation

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: Sand and water form a heterogeneous mixture together called suspension due to the large size of sand particles. So, it can be easily separated into its constituents through simple physical processes.

Complete step by step answer:
Since this question has multiple options correct, hence, we have to analyze all the given alternatives.
Sedimentation and decantation can be used to separate sand and water because sand being heavy, will settle down at the bottom once left undisturbed. So, by decantation, the upper layer of water can be easily separated.
Filtration can also be used to separate sand and water because sand particles have quite a bigger size than the pores of the filter paper. So, when filtration is done, the sand particles remain on the filter paper while the water runs down.
Evaporation can not be used to separate them because during evaporation, the water will disappear forming steam and we will be left only with sand.
Sublimation can also not be used because none of the sand and water is sublimable.

So, for the given question, options (A) and (B) are correct.

Note: Students should note that during evaporation, we will only obtain the solute while solvent will be gone. Hence it is not considered a suitable method for separation of sand and water.
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