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4 men or 6 women earn ₹360 in one day. Find how much will:a) a man earn in one day? b) a woman earns in one day? (c) 6 men and 4 women earn in one day?

Last updated date: 19th Apr 2024
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Hint: Equate the earning of a man and a woman per each day to any unknown variables like (x,y,..etc.,).And solve those equations and find the values of unknown variables.And here “4 men or 6 women” is referred as either one the earnings in a day is equal to 360.Similarly “6 men and 4 women” is referred as earnings of both women and men per day.

Complete step by step answer:
From the problem it is given that 4 men or 6 women earn ₹360 in one day .
Let us consider,
x = earning of one man in a day
y = earning of one woman in a day
That is ,
4 men or 6 women = ₹\[360\]
$4x$ or $6y$= ₹\[360\](Referred as $4x=360$ and $6y=360$ )
(i) A man earn in one day is $4x=$₹$360$
$\Rightarrow x=\dfrac{360}{4}=$₹\[90\]( On dividing both numerator and denominator with “4” we got $x=90$)
(ii) A woman earn in one day is 6$y=$₹$360$
$\Rightarrow y=\dfrac{360}{6}$ = ₹\[60\] (On dividing both numerator and denominator with “6” we got $y=60$)
(iii) 6 men and 4 women earn in one day is $6x+4y=$₹$360$→equation(1)
On simplifying the equation(1) by substituting x,y values we get as follows
  & \Rightarrow 6(90)+4(60) \\
 & \Rightarrow 540+240 \\
 & \Rightarrow 780 \\

Therefore, 6 men and 4 women earn in one day = “ ₹\[780\]”

Note: We must know the difference between “OR” and “AND”. Here OR means we should include only either one of the given two conditions . Where as AND means we should include both of the given conditions. So according to the question we must proceed and should obtain a perfect answer.