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What is 10 % of 15 % of 20 % of Rs. 500?
(a). 0.50
(b). 3.50
(c). 1.50
(d). 2.50

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
Total views: 324.5k
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Hint: Recall the formula for percentage, that is, Percentage = \[\dfrac{{{\text{Required value}}}}{{{\text{Total value}}}} \times 100\% \]. To calculate the value when the percentage is given, we need to multiply the total value with the percentage and divide by 100.

Complete step-by-step answer:
The percentage of a quantity means a fraction of the quantity expressed by taking a hundred as a whole. 100 % means the entire quantity or the whole. The word percent comes from the Latin word Per Cent where Centum means a hundred.
The percentage is just a convenient way to express a fraction with a hundred as a whole.
A percentage is a number expressed as a fraction of 100. It is calculated by multiplying the numeric of the ratio by 100.
When a percentage is given and we need to find the value, we multiply the total value with the percentage and divide by 100.
We need to find the value of 10 % of 15 % of 20 % of Rs. 500. We go in steps. First, we find 20 % of Rs. 500 as below:
20 % of 500 = \[\dfrac{{20 \times 500}}{{100}}\]
 20 % of 500 = 100
Next, we find 15 % of 100.
15 % of 100 = \[\dfrac{{15 \times 100}}{{100}}\]
15 % of 100 = 15
Next, we find 10 % of 15, we have:
10 % of 15 = \[\dfrac{{10 \times 15}}{{100}}\]
10 % of 15 = 1.5
Hence, the value of 10 % of 15 % of 20 % of Rs. 500 is Rs. 1.5.
Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

Note: Note that the order in which you calculate the percentage, here, does not matter. 10 % of 15 % of 20 % of Rs. 500 is the same as 15 % of 20 % of 10 % of Rs. 500 as long as we are concerned with only the final answer.