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Write the given number in digits using the international place value chart. Also write the number in expanded form.
Six billion one hundred ten million three thousand seven.

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: The hint here is the number of zeros in one billion, one hundred million, ten thousand million and so on. So one billion is 1 followed by 9 zeros, one hundred million is 1 followed by 8 zeros, ten thousand million is 1 followed by 7 zeros, one million is 1 followed by 6 zeros, one hundred thousand is 1 followed by 5 zeros, ten thousand is 1 followed by 4 zeros, one thousand is 1 followed by 3 zeros, one hundred is 1 followed by 2 zeros, ten is 1 followed by 1 zero and unity is only 1 and no zeros.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Now let us begin with our solution.
Let us first have a look at the international place value chart.

BillionHundred millionTen millionmillionHundred thousandTen thousandThousandHundredTenUnit

Now we will place our number according to the names in the international place value chart. Doing so we would get,

BillionHundred millionTen millionmillionHundred thousandTen thousandThousandHundredTenUnit

Now wondering how did we place these numbers here?
Here is how we did it…
The number is Six billion one hundred ten million three thousand seven.
It has six billion. So we placed a 6 under the billion place.
It has one hundred ten million. So we place a 1 under hundred million and a 1 under ten million place.
It does not have million, hundred thousand or a ten thousand. So we put a zero in all those places.
It does have a thousand. So we put a 3 under the thousand place.
But it does not have a hundred or a ten. So we placed zeros under those places.
Finally, it has a seven. So we placed a 7 under the unit place.
Now seeing this let us write its expanded form.
The expanded form is written as the sum of products of the face value and the place value.
= (6×1000000000) + (1×100000000) + (1×10000000) +
(0×1000000) +(0×100000) + (0×10000) + (3×1000) + (0×100) + (0×10) + (7×1)

Note: We can commit a mistake while counting the number of zeros in the expanded form. So make sure to remember the place value chart shown above in mind. Also remember to put zeros in the place which don’t have any value or we may get confused later.