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Write a note on areolar connective tissue

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint:The areolar connective tissue in a loose connective tissue that can be seen between the skin and muscles. They help in holding the skin in place and attach the epithelial tissue to other underlying tissue. These tissues also provided support, strength and elasticity. The Areolar connective tissue has no obvious structure, like layers or rows of cells.

Complete answer
Areolar connective tissue in a type of connective tissue consisting of a gel-like matrix incorporation stand of protein fibers (Collagen and elastin) and such cells as fibroblasts, mast cells, macrophages and fat cells.
Location: The areolar tissue found beneath the dermis layer and also underneath the epithelial tissue of all body systems that have external openings.
Function: Function of Areolar tissues are:
(i) It helps support internal organs.
(ii) It helps in repairing the tissues of skin and muscles.
(iii) Acts as a packaging tissue between organs by filling the space inside the organs.
(iv) Allows for movement between structures.
(v) The matrix allows for diffusion of substances to and from the blood.

Note: Areolar tissue are types of loose connective tissues. It acts as a reservoir of water and salts for surrounding tissues of all the cells. Obtain their nutrients from these tissues and they release their waste into areolar connective tissue.