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Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Flower of the tulip is a modified shoot
B. In tomato, the fruit is a capsule
C. Seeds of orchids have oil-rich endosperms
D. Placentation in primrose basal

Last updated date: 12th May 2024
Total views: 385.2k
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Hint: Tulip has a modification of the underground stem known as the Bulb. The fruits of the tomato are of berry type. The seeds of orchids are non-endospermic. Placentation is the arrangement of the ovules on the placenta inside the ovary. Moreover, Primrose has a free central axis.

Complete answer: Let us look at all the statements that are given to us one by one.
The first statement is Flower of the tulip is a modified shoot: In some plants, the underground stem is modified to form the bulb. The underground modification of the stem is mainly for the storage of food and multiplication. In the plants having bulbs, the leaves are modified to become fleshy. The stem is very reduced. A very common example of a plant with bulbs is Tulip. In the tulip, the flower is modified to form the shoot. The leaves form the bulb. Therefore, this statement is correct.
The second statement is that in a tomato, the fruit is a capsule: The tomato is a berry fruit. Tomato is a type of fleshy fruit. The complete Pericarp of the Tomato is edible. The pericarp is the fruit wall or the modified ovary wall. On the other hand, the capsule is a kind of simple fruit. Simple fruits are those fruits that are formed from the monocarpellary or the polycarpellary, syncarpous ovary. Capsule fruits are usually dry and Dehiscent and rupture after maturation. Therefore, this statement is incorrect.
The third statement is that the Seeds of orchids have oil-rich endosperms: Orchids have non-endospermic seeds. Non-endospermic seeds are those seeds in which there is no endosperm. This is because the endosperm is consumed in the early stage of development. The food is stored in the cotyledons of the Non-Endospermic seeds. Therefore, this statement is incorrect.
The fourth statement is that the Placentation in primrose is basal: Primrose has free central placentation. The initial condition is like the axile placentation but later on, the partition wall between the carpels dissolves. Due to this reason, the central axis becomes the free central axis. The placenta is situated on this free central axis. On the other hand, the basal placentation is the one in which the placenta develops at the base of the ovary. Therefore, this statement is incorrect.
Thus, based on the above information we can conclude that the statement that the flower of the tulip is a modified shoot is correct.
Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

Note: The endosperm is the nutritive tissue that provides nutrition to the developing embryo. The endosperm is formed by triple fusion and it is triploid in nature. The endosperm is further classified into two types based on its durability. These two types are the endospermic seeds and non-endospermic seeds. The endospermic seeds are those seeds in which the endosperm persists throughout the life of the seeds.