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Which one of the following has maximum genetic diversity in India?
A. Teak
B. Mango
C. Wheat
D. Tea

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 328.9k
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Hint: The fruit shows maximum genetic diversity due to its power of adaptability to the environment, nutritional value, taste, and widespread varieties.
Complete answer
Among the following crops, Mango also known as Mangifera indica is the plant with the highest genetic diversity in India. There are about 1500 varieties of mangoes grown in our country with 1000 of them being grown commercially. The most common varieties of mango grown in India are Alphonso, Arka Kiran, Arka Neelkiran, Ratna, Langra, Sabri, Jawahar, Elphonso, etc. It is very rich in Vitamins A and C. The wood of the plant is used as timber and twigs for religious purposes. The seed also has a high content of starch and fat that is used in saponification.
Mango is easily cultivable in all parts of our country as it thrives well in tropical and sub-tropical climates. It cannot be grown in areas with frequent frost and extremely high temperatures with high humidity and winds.
India tops the list of major mango cultivators of the world with a production of more than 50% of the total mango produced worldwide. Some major mango producing countries are China, Mexico, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, and Brazil. In India, the major mango producing states are Karnataka, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, and Gujrat.
So, the correct answer is Mango.
> Mango is known as the ‘king of fruits’.
> Rice has the maximum genetic diversity among all the crops grown in our country.
> The ideal soil for the cultivation of mango is Loamy soil. It is alluvial, well-aerated, and well-drained with high organic content. The pH of the soil ranges from 5.5-7.4.