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Which of the following is not a lipid.
A. Wax / lecithin
B. Sterol / cholesterol
C. Glycerol / maltose
D. Lecithin / Ghee

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 338.5k
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Hint: Lipid can have polar hydroxyl groups but only as part of a molecule with overall non-polar character usually due to some large hydrocarbon chain.

Step by step answer:In biology and biochemistry, the lipid is a macro biomolecule that is soluble in non-polar solvents. Nonpolar solvents are typically hydrocarbons used to dissolve all other naturally occurring hydrocarbons. Lipid molecule that does not dissolve in water including fatty acids, wax, sterol and fat-soluble vitamins, etc. The function of lipids includes storing energy and acting as structural components of the cell membrane. Glycerol has a polar hydroxyl group for every carbon atom and thus it is soluble in water so it is not a lipid it is simple alcohol. Maltose is a carbohydrate also known as sugar.
Hence option C is correct.
Additional information :
Maltose is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is a biomolecule consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms usually with the hydrogen-oxygen atom ratio is 2 ratio 1. The term is most common in biochemistry a group that includes sugar starch and cellulose. Carbohydrates perform numerous roles in living organisms. Polysaccharides are used for the storage of energy such as starch and glycogen.
Carbohydrates are also used as ribose sugar and deoxyribose sugar in ribonucleic acid and
deoxyribose nucleic acid respectively. Carbohydrates are main to nutrition and are found in a wide variety of natural and processed food. Starch is a polysaccharide it is abundant in cereals. Cellulose is a polysaccharide found in the cell wall of whole plants is one of the main components of insoluble dietary fibre.

Note: Lipids are the fatty acids ester of alcohol which are found in the cell membrane in a bilayer, present in cutin, seeds, adipose tissues, cholesterol is a derived lipid. Lipids are insoluble in water but dissolve in the non-polar solvents.