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Which is called ‘Emerald Island’?
A. Japan
B. Ireland
C. Iraq
D. Iran

Last updated date: 05th May 2024
Total views: 369.3k
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Hint: The country which is known as the ‘Emerald Island’ is the third-largest island of Europe. It expands over an area of 84,421 square kilometres.

Complete Answer: Ireland has for quite some time been known as the Emerald Isle. Ireland is well known for its rich, rolling green slopes. Some portion of Irelan's green is from the forest. It is situated in the Northern Atlantic Ocean, west of Great Britain. It sits at the same latitude as Labrador and Newfoundland in Canada. Ireland appreciates a gentle oceanic climate on account of the North Atlantic Drift. The warm Gulf Stream waters are pushed north toward Ireland by the North Atlantic Drift, an ocean current. Other than giving Ireland its "Emerald Isle'' name, the green grasses that develop so well in Ireland's gentle atmosphere make the island an ideal spot to raise sheep and cows.

Now let us examine the options
Option A - The island of Japan is situated in the northwest of the Pacific Ocean. It is a part of the Asian continent. It expands over an area of 377,975 square kilometres.
Option B - Ireland is known as Emerald Island because of its lush green forests and green hills. It expands over an area of 84,421 square kilometres and is the third-largest island of the European continent.
Option C - The Republic of Iraq is a part of the continent of Asia. It expands over an area of 437,072 square kilometres.
Option D - Iran is also known as Persia is a part of the Asian continent and expands over an area of 1,648,195 square kilometres.

Thus, the correct option is option (B).

Note: The Emerald Isle's normal temperature in January is a gentle 45 degrees Fahrenheit. The Emerald Isle also experiences cool, gentle summers. These mellow temperatures consolidate with a lot of downpours to make the ideal conditions for Isle's rich, green sceneries.