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Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: For solving this type of question you should know about calculating the percentage of something. And also know how to calculate any value which percentage is given to us. And it is calculated by a formula which is used to convert the percentage from any value. The general formula is –
Percentage (%) \[=\dfrac{Value}{Total\ Value}\times 100\]

Complete step-by-step answer:
Thus, we can calculate the percentage of any numbers and the number and the total value of that by a single formula.
The percentage is the amount of something in terms of 100. And we can say that the percent means per hundred. It means what the value or amount is at every hundred\[^{th}\].
But in this question it is asked to calculate the percentage of any number with respect to another number which is greater than that number. So, the percent will be less than 100%.
So, according to the question we have to calculate the percent of 21 with respect to 30.
It means 30 is greater than 21 and the percentage will be less than 100%.
So, for calculating the percentage we can write “is” as =, and “Percent” as \[{}^{1}/{}_{100}\].
So, we will use here formula: \[\dfrac{Total\ Portion\ of\ Total\ amount}{Total\ amount}\times 100\]
So, we can write:
The total portion of total amount = 21
Total amount = 30
By putting the values in the formula;
According to the formula \[=\dfrac{21}{30}\times 100=70%\]
So, 21 is 70% of 30.

Note: The percentage is a very basic calculation and it is used at every or most of the calculations so we should know how to calculate this. The percentage denotes how much any value is available or contains in the 100 of the value for which the percentage is going to calculate. In mathematics the percentage is a number or a ratio that represents a fraction of 100.