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The three other names for the river Brahmaputra are __________________________ and __________________.

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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1. Brahmaputra River is the ninth largest river in the world by discharge, and the 15th longest.
2. At about 2900 kilometers long, the Brahmaputra is an important river for irrigation, hydroelectricity generation and transportation. Thus, the river plays an important role in irrigation in China, India and Bangladesh.

Complete answer:
Brahmaputra River enters India through Arunachal Pradesh after flowing through Tibet and flows via Assam and Bangladesh before it joins the Bay of Bengal. At an elevation of 5300 M, the river comes from the Kailash ranges of the Himalayas. In Tibet, the Brahmaputra catchment area is 2, 93,000 sq.
1. The soil of this region is naturally rich in iron content, bringing the colour red to the river with a high concentration of red and yellow soil sediments. That’s why Brahmaputra River is also called Red River. It is called Jamuna in Bengal and Bangladesh and Tsangpo in China & Tibet.
The River Brahmaputra first flows through Arunachal Pradesh, India's northeastern state. Around yellow soil.

Jamuna River
1. One of Bangladesh 's three major rivers is the Jamuna River.
2. Before meeting the Meghna River near Chandpur, the Jamuna flows south and joins the Padma River, close to Goalundo Ghat. It then flows like the Meghna River into the Bay of Bengal.
3. A classic instance of a braided river, the Brahmaputra-Jamuna is highly susceptible to channel migration and avulsion.
4. The Jamuna is a very wide river. During the rains it is about 8–13 km from bank to bank. Even during the dry season when the waters subside, the breadth is hardly less than 3–5 km.

Tibetan Yarlung Tsangpo River
1. The Yarlung Tsangpo, also known as the Yarlung Zangbo Yalu Zangbuis, is the upper river of the Brahmaputra River in the Autonomous Region of Tibet, China.
2. It is Tibet's longest river.
3. In Tibet, there are a number of tributaries to the Tsangpo.

Tsangpo River
1. Brahmaputra Rivers are Bengali Jamuna, Tibetan Tsangpo, Chinese (Pinyin) Yarlung Zangbo Jiang or Ya-lu-tsang-pu Chiang, major river of Central and South Asia.
2. China, India , and Bangladesh share the waters of the River Brahmaputra.

1. The national river of India — the Ganga has spiritual, economic, environmental and cultural importance in the country. It originates in the Gangotri glacier in the Himalayas and flows more than 2500 km into the Bay of Bengal.
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