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The temperature of 5 cities in India on a particular day is shown on the given number line. Write the temperatures of the cities marked on it.
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Last updated date: 16th Apr 2024
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MVSAT 2024
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Hint: To solve this question, we will take help of the given scale. Basically it is a number line representing temperatures of 5 different cities in degrees.

Complete step-by-step answer:
It is given in the question that the temperature of 5 cities in India on a particular day is shown on a number line. And we have been asked to write the temperatures of the cities marked on it.
We will consider the given scale. It is a number line in integers representing the temperatures of different cities in degrees.
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Now, if we see Kasauli, then it is 1 unit greater than -10. It means that the temperature of Kasauli is -9˚.
Now, if we consider Manali, it is 3 units greater than -10, it means that the temperature of Manali is -7˚.
If we consider Nainital, then it is 2 units greater than -5, it means that the temperature of Nainital is -3˚.
 If we consider Ooty, then it is exactly at 15, which means that the temperature of Ooty is 15˚.
And if we consider Bangalore, it is exactly at 20, which means that the temperature of Bangalore is 20˚.
Hence, we have found out the temperatures of the 5 cities marked on the scale.

Note: Usually the students skip the units while counting and this is one of the most common mistakes that the students make. As a result, they might end writing the temperature of Kasauli as -11˚ instead of -10˚ and so on. But this can be avoided if we carefully count the number of units in the scale. Students should also note that here each unit denotes 1˚. So, they must do the calculations accordingly.