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The synonym of REDEEM is:

a) Extend
b) Fulfil
c) Reconsider
d) Recover

Last updated date: 07th May 2024
Total views: 402.9k
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Hint: When there is something similar or common between the meaning of two or more words then they are synonyms for each other. Here, you need to find a word that shares a somewhat similar meaning to that of redeem.

Complete answer:

The word redeem can be understood as – compensating for some fault, like bad behavior or breaking something, etc. or gaining (regaining) possession of something in exchange of money, like with coupons.
Now, let us see the given options and find a word having similar meanings –
Extend - to stretch out or draw out something to its full length, e.g. you extend your hand for friendship.
Fulfill - to do something that is expected, hoped for, or promised, e.g. you fulfill a promise.
Reconsider - it means to consider something again especially for a chance of success or change, e.g. you reconsider your assignment.
Recover - means to regain or return to something or find or regain possession of something, e.g. you recovered the doll you lost.
After carefully considering the explanation for the given options, you will find that the word sharing the maximum similarity to – redeem is the word in ‘option – d’, i.e. recover.

Note: If you are not clear on what would be the best-suited synonym then use the elimination method and remove those words that you think less likely to share similar meaning as the given word.

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