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The Magnetic South Pole of the earth is towards the geographic north.
A) True
B) False

Last updated date: 14th May 2024
Total views: 394.5k
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Hint: Earth has two geographic poles, North pole and South pole. Also earth has two magnetic poles of North and South. We have to check how they behave and how they are oriented.

Complete step by step answer:
The geographic poles and the magnetic poles of the earth are not the same. The point at which the earth’s rotation axis intercepts the surface of earth is the geographic poles. Both the geographic poles and the magnetic poles are not aligned. The magnetic field lines are due to the current flowing in the outer iron core of the earth. The magnetic poles of the earth will be changing relative to the location of the geographic poles. The magnetic pole near the geographic South Pole is actually the north magnetic pole. Also the south magnetic pole is near the geographic north pole of the earth. This is because the opposite ends are attracted in the case similar to magnets.
For every permanent magnet, the directions of the magnetic field lines are from North Pole to South Pole. Therefore in the case of earth, the magnetic fields are from the southern hemisphere to northern hemisphere.
The statement, Magnetic South Pole of the earth is towards geographic north is true.
The answer is option A.

Note: The fact is that when we are placing a compass, the needle points to the southern geographic pole. That means it points to the north magnetic pole of the earth.
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